Food Safety Promotion Board (FSPB) symposium - Plant Protection and Food Safety

The symposium, which was held under the auspices of the FSPB, was organised by the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAF) to promote North-South co-operation in relation to food safety. It was the first formal meeting between the staff of the DAF and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Developement Northern Ireland, (DARDNI) in the field of plant protection and food safety. The symposium coincided with the 100th meeting of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of the DAF’s Pesticide Control Service (PCS). This committee undertakes the peer review of evaluations of plant protection products and makes recommendations with respect to the authorisation of such products. Presentations made by staff of the FSPB, PCS and DARDNI representatives provided an insight into the regulatory system for plant protection products on both sides of the border and were intended to facilitate exploration of areas of continued co-operation.

Download Symposium Proceedings (pdf 1,369Kb) 








Date Released: 12 February 2002