Emission modelling and PEC calculations

Emission Scenario Documents (ESDs) are used to estimate the initial release of the active substance (generally in kg/d) from biocidal products (or treated materials) to the environment.  ESDs for different types of biocidal products are available from the ECHA website.  The ESD should be read in conjunction with the Technical Agreements for Biocides (TAB).  The Environmental TAB intends to provide the general agreements of the Environmental Working Group of the Biocidal Products Committee which have not yet been included in any other BPR related guidance documents.  The document is intended to cover technical/scientific EU Working Group agreements that have general relevance.  The ESDs and TAB are living documents that are updated from time to time.  Applicants should ensure they are using the most up to date versions of the guidance documents.

The outputs from the ESD are used to calculate realistic worst case environmental concentrations (PECs) that may arise in different environmental media from the intended use of the biocidal product.  The software tool, EUSES v2.2.0 (European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances) can be used to prepare environmental exposure assessments under the Biocidal Products Regulation and the REACH Regulation.  Version 2.2.0(2019) incorporates new and updated environmental emission scenarios along with a new version of the SimpleTreat model (4.0), which assesses the fate and distribution of a substance in a sewage treatment plant.  The predicted environmental concentrations are used to inform risk assessments performed by other specialist units such as Ecotoxicology.

Weblinks to the aforementioned documents/software can be found in the section on EU Data Requirements for Biocides (Environmental Fate and Behaviour)

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