Emergency Use
A Member State (MS) may authorise, for a period not exceeding 120 days, the placing on the market of a plant protection product (PPP) which is not currently authorised, where it is deemed absolutely necessary to control a pest where no other means of chemical control is available. It should be noted that such authorisations will only be issued where that use exists elsewhere in the EU, and a human and environmental health risk assessment is available and deemed acceptable.
An EU application management system has been introduced for receipt of emergency authorisation applications. Applicants should familiarise themselves with this system for emergency use applications. The EU Commission has published a guidance document explaining the emergency authorisation process and specifying the information required with emergency use applications.
Application for an emergency use of a plant protection product (PPP) must be made to:
E-mail: pcs@agriculture.gov.ie
Telephone: 00-353-1-6157552
Postal: Pesticide Registration & Control Division
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine,
Backweston Campus,
Young’s Cross,
Co. Kildare,