Guidance on Biocides IT (R4BP3, IUCLID, SPC Editor)
Links to information and guidance on the Biocide IT tools required to prepare a substance or product dossier in IUCLID, submit and manage applications via the Register for Biocidal Products (R4BP) and prepare a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) in the SPC Editor are provided below:
R4BP is the central hub through which all applications for active substances and biocidal products are made with the exception of product notification. It provides functions which enable the industry and the authorities to comply with the legislative requirements and exchange information between them.
IUCLID is a software application used to capture, store, maintain and exchange data in relation to the hazard properties of chemical substances. It is a key software application essential for the chemical industry to comply with new legislation. Stakeholders of IUCLID include the chemical industry, Member State competent authorities, OECD and NGOs.
SPC Editor
In order to support companies in preparing their applications for authorisation of biocidal products, either on a national or European level, an online application called SPC Editor has been prepared by ECHA. The SPC Editor is used to submit the summary of product characteristics in .XML format for the submission and authorisation of biocidal products. SPC can be used for single products and product families.
More information on the R4BP, IUCLID and the SPC Editor are available at: