Food for Thought
The material in this section seeks to provide thought-provoking information from different perspectives on the role of Plant Protection Products in agriculture – e.g. how they contribute to producing food to feed a burgeoning world population, and their consequential impacts on humans and the environment.
Farming without Plant Protection Products (pdf 1,044Kb)
Journal of Food Science - Organic Foods (pdf 206Kb)
Peer J - Assessing Availability of European Plant Protection Product Data an Example Evaluating Basic Area Treated (pdf 316Kb)
Thank you for taking the time to better inform yourself on this important topic. We hope you find the material insightful and that it provides food for thought.
The content included here offers a wide perspective on the role of Plant Protection Products in society. It may also contain material from relevant ancillary areas. The material is selected based on i) peer reviewed sources; ii) information derived from Official Regulatory sources supported by factual information, or iii) informed comment/opinion from reliable sources) contributing to the wider debate.
The content should not be construed as representing the views of the DAFM as the Competent Authority for Pesticides in Ireland, nor does it necessarily reflect current DAFM policy regarding the evaluation or authorisation of Plant Protection Products in Ireland.