Active Substances
All active substances (active ingredient in a biocidal product) are reviewed at EU level under Regulation (EU) 528/2012 and require a decision to be approved into the Union list of approved active substances before they can be used in biocidal products in the EU.
Where necessary to protect human health, animal health or the environment, an approval may contain certain conditions to ensure that the risks identified are properly addressed at product authorisation.
Active substance approval in the EU is also subject to a renewal process on a periodic basis. This renewal procedure takes place before the date of expiry of the original active substance approval decision.
List of Approved Active Substances
Approval of Active Substances
Renewal of Active Substance Approval
Active Substance Suppliers (Article 95 List)
Active Substance Fees
Creosote Public Consultation
Cholecalciferol Public Consultation (Closing Date 25-04-2024) (pdf 134Kb)